The Buy A Brick Program will allow Friends and Families to honor Individuals they would like to be part of the Monument.

The Bricks are 4" x 8" and can have 3 lines with 20 Characters per line. Bricks are $100.00 a piece. Or If a piece of clipart is desired the number of characters drops to 3 lines, 12 characters per line.

Checks can be made payable to the:

Van Horn Parents Association Monument and are tax deductible.

Send Checks to:

William Christofori

110 Pinecrest Drive

Springfield Ma 01118

Rick Mastroianni, Brian Santinello, Chairman of the Springfield Park Commission, Bill Scott and Tom "Beady" O'Malley

This is the Company's stock clipart. THIS CLIPART IS FREE TO ADD TO A BRICK.

If you want to add CUSTOM artwork, There is a $100.00 fee for the artwork to be processed by the Brick Company.

If you need any Information on Buying a Brick, Call Ray Scott at 413-575-6387

or email him at


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or Preview app on Mac

If you need any Information on Buying a Brick, Call Ray Scott at 413-575-6387

or email him at